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Training Courses
Phalanx is above all a company which designs and produces software for industry and R&D based on LabVIEW, DIAdem and TestStand, and we are a reference in France for the development of applications on these tools.
We take advantage of the training to share our know-how, because all our trainers are themselves developers, and the exercises during our training are based on applications that we have developed to respond to real industry and business issues. the research.
We offer training at different levels of LabVIEW, TestStand and DIAdem in our two training centers, in Nantes and Grenoble or we can come and provide our training directly in your installations.
Phalanx is a training center listed in the datadock and Qualiopi certified!
We have trained more than 295 people since 2011 with a satisfaction rate of 4.87/5 in 2023*
* Rating given on average by our 29 trainees.
Training Calendar
LabVIEW Débutant : 13-15 janvier
LabVIEW Intermédiaire : 16-17 janvier
TestStand 1 : 27-29 janvier
LabVIEW RT & FPGA : 3-6 février
DIAdem Basic : 24-26 mars
DIAdem Avancé : 31 mars - 3 avril
TestStand 2 : 8-9 avril
LabVIEW Débutant : 12-14 mai
LabVIEW Intermédiaire : 15-16 mai
DIAdem Basic : 8-10 octobre
DIAdem Avancé : 13-16 octobre
LabVIEW Débutant : 10-12 mars
LabVIEW Intermédiaire : 13-14 mars
TestStand 1 : 19-21 mars
DIAdem Basic : 9-11 avril
DIAdem Avancé : 14-17 avril
LabVIEW Débutant : 2-4 jun
LabVIEW Intermédiaire : 5-6 juin
LabVIEW RT & FPGA : 9-12 juin
TestStand 2 : 16-17 juin