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Training Courses

Phalanx is above all a company which designs and produces software for industry and R&D based on LabVIEW, DIAdem and TestStand, and we are a reference in France for the development of applications on these tools.

We take advantage of the training to share our know-how, because all our trainers are themselves developers, and the exercises during our training are based on applications that we have developed to respond to real industry and business issues. the research.

We offer training at different levels of LabVIEW, TestStand and DIAdem in our two training centers, in Nantes and Grenoble or we can come and provide our training directly in your installations.

Phalanx is a training center listed in the datadock and Qualiopi certified!

​We have trained more than 295 people since 2011 with a satisfaction rate of 4.87/5 in 2023*

* Rating given on average by our 29 trainees.

Training Calendar


  • LabVIEW Débutant : 13-15 janvier
  • LabVIEW Intermédiaire : 16-17 janvier
  • TestStand 1 : 27-29 janvier
  • LabVIEW RT & FPGA : 3-6 février
  • DIAdem Basic : 24-26 mars
  • DIAdem Avancé : 31 mars - 3 avril
  • TestStand 2 : 8-9 avril
  • LabVIEW Débutant : 12-14 mai
  • LabVIEW Intermédiaire : 15-16 mai
  • DIAdem Basic : 8-10 octobre
  • DIAdem Avancé : 13-16 octobre


  • LabVIEW Débutant : 10-12 mars
  • LabVIEW Intermédiaire : 13-14 mars
  • TestStand 1 : 19-21 mars
  • DIAdem Basic : 9-11 avril
  • DIAdem Avancé : 14-17 avril
  • LabVIEW Débutant : 2-4 jun
  • LabVIEW Intermédiaire : 5-6 juin
  • LabVIEW RT & FPGA : 9-12 juin
  • TestStand 2 : 16-17 juin

 Catalogue de formations 

Request your trainings

​You can use the following form to make a training request for up to 5 people, either at our training centers (inter-company and according to the proposed schedule), or at your facilities (intra-company, where you can choose the dates of your convenience, excluding those already planned in the calendar).


All our training courses are Eligible for Individual right to an education


Certificat Qualiopi

The quality certification was issued under the following categories of action:


Our training can be covered by OPCOs

Process of a Phalanx training

PHALANX trainings take place in a room in the Nantes or Grenoble metropolitan areas with an instructor and a maximum of 5 trainees.


For each chapter, the instructor makes a theoretical presentation using a projector, and helps you carry out the exercises proposed in the manual provided. PCs are at your disposal to carry out the practical development exercises. At the end of each chapter, a MCQ allows you to test your knowledge and summarize the lesson. At the end of the course, the instructor gives you your certificate of participation as well as a satisfaction questionnaire. We will contact you one month later to get your overall opinion on the training.


There are two scheduled 15-minute coffee breaks, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, as well as a one-hour lunch break at noon. Coffee and mid-day lunch are included in the PHALANX offer for all training at our training centers.

Special training conditions

Teaching methods

The courses are divided into chapters. Each chapter studies a particular subjet and is composed of a lecture (support slides), a theoretical course (training manual) and practical support (exercise manual). Each end of chapter is validated by a MCQ with immediate correction by the teacher.

Training dates

The training dates are fixed in advance, please consult the website to obtain the next training dates near you.

Trainings on-site are available in your structure. Contact our sales representative for more information and associated prices.

Modalités et délai d’inscription

Merci de vous inscrire au moins un mois à l’avance. La disponibilité pour les formations inter-entreprise dépend du nombre de places restantes (5 stagiaires maximum par session). Pour savoir si une formation est disponible, vous pouvez remplir le formulaire [lien] ou nous contacter directement à [email].

Attendance requirement

To validate a course, your presence is mandatory, it is validated by the attendance sheet to be signed every half day. However, if you were unable to attend the training, you can come to the next one.

Accessibility for people with disabilities

PHALANX is sensitive to the handicap, indicate, during the registration, the nature of the handicap as well as the specific needs associated (screen size, noise level, brightness, etc.). Our training rooms are accessible to people with reduced mobility and our instructors are able to meet specific needs.

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