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Phalanx Viewer
For innovators, engineers and researchers who need to be able to visualize their data simply and quickly.

In a few clicks, you can display your measurement curves from TDMS, CSV or TXT files.
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Hover the image to discover the features of our Phalanx Viewer
File content

Selection of cursors
Selection of plots to display and their colors
Data table
Channel characteristics
Graphs in time or XY
Plot preview
If you have too much data and want to extract it at a specific point in time without loading the entire file, PHALANX VIEWER will only load the data you need, saving you time in your analyzes.

Un aperçu
This demo video lasts less than 2 minutes and introduces you to the basic functionalities of Phalanx Viewer
PHALANX VIEWER is priced at 200€ per workstation licence, that includes:
Activation for a workstation with no time limit,
Technical support by phone and email for a year,
All software updates released during the year.
Subsequent renewal of support and updates is 50€/year.
To try it out, you can download a 30-day trial version.
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