Phalanx is above all a company that designs and produces software for industry and R&D based on LabVIEW, DIAdem and TestStand, and we are a reference in France for the development of applications on these tools.
We offer innovative and flexible solution design, development, integration and testing that meets your technical and business objectives.
Whether you require specialist software support, hardware construction, or full bespoke system design and delivery for your complex, real-time technical challenge, we provide expertise that ensures you meet the deadlines and budget allocated to your project.
We are experts in LabVIEW development for data acquisition, signal processing, control and machine learning. We help you gain new insights, optimize equipment performance, and accelerate your systems innovation.
In addition, we can train you on these development tools being a Qualiopi Certified Training Centre.
We will help you redefine your testing strategies and engineering solutions to meet increasing complex requirements.
LabVIEW Architects and Certified Developers
Design and programming of test benches
Automation of industrial processes
Modification of existing code
Code analysis
The experience of our engineers and programmers allows us to answer and adapt quickly and efficiently to your project's needs.
All our LabVIEW programmers and instructors are certified !
We guarantee total transparency during the realization of your project.
Draft of test bench specifications
Development of test benches in LabVIEW Real Time and/or FPGA
On-site or remote technical support
Training on LabVIEW, DIAdem and TestStand development tools.
Writing of user and programmer's manuals
Do you need more information? Do not hesitate and contact us !

1. System analysis
2. Application design
3. Development of the solution
We'll help you find the best solution based on the needs of your application
We will not only help you to analyze and define your needs, design your application and develop the solution best adapted to your particular situation, but we will also ensure its integration within your existent system and/or configuration.

Our Tools

DIAdem is data management software for aggregation, inspection, analysis and reporting of measurement data. It integrates many functions to process your data. You can use these functions to search files, data or properties, inspect and analyze data thanks to the many mathematical functions present like smoothing, calculation of FFT, basic mathematical operations or finding of events, display results in graphs and create a report, automate research, analysis and report generation using scripts.

VeriStand is a software environment for configuring real-time applications for testing. Out of the box, NI VeriStand can help you configure a multi-core real-time engine to perform a variety of tasks, including generating real-time stimuli, acquiring high-speed data from conditioned measurements, and calculating channels. and customizable scales.

TestStand is a ready-to-run test management software that is designed to help you develop automated test and validation systems faster. You can use NI TestStand to develop, execute, and deploy test system software. In addition, you can develop test sequences that integrate code modules written in any test programming language.

LabVIEW ideal for any measurement or control system. It's the heart of the NI design platform. It integrates all the tools that engineers and scientists need to build a wide range of applications in dramatically less time. LabVIEW is a development environment for problem solving, accelerated productivity, and continual innovation..